- Madurai
Madurai (625011)
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The company has more than 60+ years of experience in this field, it’s equipments and facilities for manufacturing are constantly being upgraded to maintain the hygiene and quality. As per our constant expansion program, In 2014, Madurai Oil Mills was started in Madurai, Tamilnadu with a mission in pioneering to make healthy food in a traditional method and enrich the dishes. Our main product, Madurai Sesame Oil, is prepared using quality country sesame seeds, organic jaggary, cloth filtering and grinding by using traditional rotary method. We use superior packing material to retain the freshness and purity of the Sesame Seed Oil we supply. Our another product, Madurai Classy Sesame Oil, is prepared using high quality country sesame seeds, vembar karrupati and cold-pressed using vaagai tree (very old method) and let it filter by itself. Our deep understanding of client’s requirements has enabled us to carve a niche for ourselves.
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283/1, Kamarajar Street, Jayanthipuram, Madurai, Tamil Nadu - 625011, India


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283/1, Kamarajar Street, Jayanthipuram, Madurai, Tamil Nadu- 625011,India

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