Omex Medical Technology - Vijapur

Omex Medical Technology
Arvind Patel
Vijapur (382850)
Gujarat (India)
(+91) 9662526472 Edit
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Omex Medical Technology is a healthcare technology company that provides innovative solutions to improve patient outcomes and the overall healthcare experience. The company is located at Plot No: 1, Shivalik Industrial Park, At. Kotadi, N-Gujarat - 382870. Omex Medical Technology has a team of experienced professionals who specialize in developing cutting-edge medical devices and software. Omex Medical Technology also offers a range of other medical devices, including blood pressure monitors, pulse oximeters, and thermometers. These devices are designed to be easy to use and provide accurate readings, making it easier for patients to monitor their health at home. In addition to medical devices, Omex Medical Technology also develops healthcare software solutions. The company's software products include electronic health record (EHR) systems, patient portal platforms, and telehealth solutions. These software products are designed to improve communication between patients and healthcare providers, streamline administrative processes, and improve patient outcomes. Omex Medical Technology has a strong commitment to quality and innovation. The company invests heavily in research and development to ensure that its products and services are at the forefront of healthcare technology. The company also places a strong emphasis on customer service, ensuring that its products are easy to use and reliable. Omex Medical Technology's products are used by healthcare providers and patients around the world. The company has a strong presence in Asia, and is continually expanding its reach to new markets. Omex Medical Technology is dedicated to improving healthcare outcomes and making healthcare more accessible and convenient for patients.
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Plot No:1, Shivalik Industrial Park,, Vijapur, Gujarat - 382850, India


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Omex Medical Technology

Plot No:1, Shivalik Industrial Park,, Vijapur, Gujarat- 382850,India

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